Realis CambiospinMy new pike season started in a sign of some relatively new lures from Duo International production. It is about 3 products that are very much suitable for pike fishing in different conditions. Under different conditions I mean different types of lakes, from the shallow ones covered with the fields of water lilies like our local lake Oresje near Zagreb, till the deeper ones that will require sinking and deep runner type of lures. Finally Duo International as a brand can offer pike oriented products that showed good results on the ground.
On above mentioned lake, full of water lilies I was practically not able to fish with any Duo lure except with Grade A Cambiospin, light spinnerbait made of flexible soft wire. Different retrieving speed will change the shape of this genius spinnerbait and what is the most important to me, this lure will not catch a lot of weed, even it is not “weedless” type of lure and pike love it.
I had several furious attacks and a lot of fun, than finally I caught a decent pike around 3 kg as a sugar at the end of one morning period of that day.
Realis FangbaitLast few years I enjoyed pike fishing with Ralis Jerkbait 120 SP models and I had one really big mamma 107 cm long as an awards for mine effort. Last year when I saw Realis Fangbait for the first time I knew this will be a big thing for our tiger-look predator – pike. Finally at the beginning of this season I was able to test it on the local lakes and even I had several pike I know the main thing will follow in the future.
I like SR models and their responsive action that will work on the slowest retrieving speed. Since I have lost the biggest pike few weeks ago, which I estimated to 4 kg, I’m pretty sure my future partnership with this lure will be successful. There is a variety of colors made for pike in Pike Limited series which should be praised.
In deeper water DR models will work perfectly, so you are able to cover all layers and conditions on your lake with both type of Fangbait lures.
Realis Onimasu 188SI must admit I did not find a common language with Realis Onimasu 188F model, since the lakes where I am fishing could be deeper and this floating model does not goes much bellow the surface. With Realis Onimasu 188S I clicked on the first try and in first day I had 2 pike, one not so big and one decent around 80 cm. No lure is too big for pike and I’m very happy to have several lure examples for the rest of the season. This is a real lure for big pike and should be used with a full confidence. This sinking model allows you to provoke a fish near the bottom and also under the surface. Can be retrieved slowly and with the right speed it will go widely left and right, but do not hesitate to make pauses or even twitch the lure.