DUO was born in Yaizu, Shizuoka Prefecture in 1995.
2025 will mark our 30th anniversary.
During the foundation period, DUO was merely a small venture company with just 10 staff members, including the current Chief Designer and CEO, Masahiro Adachi.
Despite the headwinds of the Japanese economy being in the midst of a recession as a backlash to the bubble economy of the 1980s, DUO pushed forward with manufacturing, relying only on its belief in "Making Products of the Highest Quality".
30 years have passed, and we have produced well over 600 products, which have
been sold in over 130 countries. With the OEM projects for famous domestic brands, the number of products we have been involved in will be even greater.
Total number of staff members has surpassed 200, DUO has grown into one of Japan’s largest lure manufacturing companies.
Although many things have changed since the foundation years, our belief in "Making Products of the Highest Quality" remains unchanged.
At this turning point of our 30th anniversary, we are starting a new project.
That is to design rods by ourselves that will allow anglers to control DUO lures we have created as freely and comfortably as possible.
There are countless numbers of rods on the market, but none of them are designed specifically for DUO lures.
Coincidentally, a rod designer who had worked on many products for Japan's leading rod brand joined DUO, and the time has come to make the project a reality.
A rod series for DUO lures, designed by ourselves.
This marks the start of next 30 years of our journey.
The character "零" is generally thought to mean the number 0(zero), but its original meaning is "rain falling quietly." "雨" symbolizes rain, and "令" symbolizes a person bowing their head in prayer to Gods. In other words, it represents the moment when a wish is granted and the rain of blessings begins to fall quietly.
Just as there is no end to the tireless pursuits of anglers around the world, there is no end to our journey in creating products. The only thing that can light the way without a clear path is our belief in "Making Products of the Highest Quality".
In pursuit of that greatest moment when something is born from nothing, we will continue to strive to create products without compromise.
Fuji Titanium SiC guide

All models are equipped with Fuji highhardness SiC-S ring guides on lightweight titanium frames (T2 color).
4×4 Graphite System

Extremely thin, low-resin carbon prepreg is layered in four directions: vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, and four-axis woven cloth is laminated on the blank surface.
SpinningULFast27'9"100gMax 15gMax 0.6
SpinningMLRegular28'6"120gMax 30gMax 1.5
SpinningMRegular Fast28'9"173gMax 40gMax 1.5
SpinningHRegular Fast29'5"204gMax 60gMax 3
CastingXHRegular Fast36'9"167gMax 100gMax 4.0
CastingXXHFast36'3"170gMax 180gMax 6.0

This light model is designed for casting light lures such as the RYUKI 50-70S and jig heads such as the GIGA AJI HEAD.
The delicate and flexible tip section uses an ultra-sensitive carbon solid tip.
Its outstanding casting feel, sensitivity that instantly determines short bites, and excellent ability to minimize discomfort on the fish biting the lure. Suitable for a wide range of targets in both salt and freshwater.
SpinningULFast27'9"100gMax 15gMax 0.6

Designed for technical games that require casting accuracy and distance in small to medium rivers and harbors using the MANIC, TIDE MINNOW 95-140, AXION SLIM 85, etc.
The blank design is not only crisp but also has a firm tenacity, reducing the chance of losing fish during the fight due to head shakes of Sea Bass for example, making it suitable for a wide range of targets.
SpinningMLRegular28'6"120gMax 30gMax 1.5

This model is designed to pursue the balance of operability and longdistance casting ability, assuming the use of TIDE MINNOW 175, WEDGE 95, LIMBER, DC-15, etc. in medium to large rivers, harbors, and inland bay surf.
It can handle a wide range of lures up to 40g, such as long minnows, vibrations, sinking pencils, and metal jigs, and can be used for a wide variety of targets, from Sea Bass to Flatfish and Pelagic fish.
SpinningMRegular Fast28'9"173gMax 40gMax 1.5

This high-power model is designed to cast the BLAZIN 92-110, TIDE MINNOW GHOST, BUBBLY 135F, etc., to target large Sea Bass lurking around structures and other large species from rocky shores.
It has a great strength in the blank that allows you to fully control heavy weight lures and a tough butt section that can firmly absorb the powerful fight of large fish.
Its light weight and smooth operability will also minimize the physical burden during long fishing sessions.
SpinningHRegular Fast29'5"204gMax 60gMax 3

Multi-piece model designed for boat casting games with big baits such as the KONOFLAT 160-195, MAKIFLAT 155F, FANGBAIT 100-120, etc.
The 3-piece blanks use different carbon materials and patterns to specialize each piece according to its required elements.
This allows for ultimate adjustments to the operability of the lure and the fight with large fish.
This model is also recommended for Giant Snakehead in Southeast Asia.
CastingXHRegular Fast36'9"167gMax 100gMax 4.0

A powerful model designed for casting heavy-weight big baits such as the KONOFLAT 240 and BORAPEN 245F. Just like the RS-69XHC, its original and rational blank design is applied for this model with specs capable of battling monster fish around the world.
The closed length of 68cm allows anglers to travel easily within urban areas and to overseas expeditions without stress, making this model a“ World Wide Shaft”.
CastingXXHFast36'3"170gMax 180gMax 6.0

An all-rounder model designed to control the EGIMASA series with any type of jerk, including short, long, and slack jerks. It excels in shallow waters and mid-distance fishing, and can easily fish with Egi up to size 3.5. The blank has excellent operability, long-distance casting performance, and sensitivity.
It is also lightweight yet has torqueful butt power, making it suitable for unexpected large squid.
SpinningMLRegular Fast28'3"Egi 2.0-3.5Max 1.2
A power shaft for the EGIMASA series, designed to target big squid during Spring time hiding in areas with fast currents and deep waters.
The highresponse blank with high resilience allows anglers to freely control the Egi even in situations with strong water current resistance and water pressure.
Not only is it equipped with power, it also has the same sensitivity and delicate operability as the RSE-83MLS.
SpinningMRegular Fast28'6"Egi 2.5-4.5Max 1.2
Designed to combine the long-distance casting performance and sufficient power to search an extensive area in medium to large rivers, tidal flats, embankments, and surfs with the TIDE MINNOW 200, WEDGE 120S, etc. Highly torqueful and crisp blanks allow anglers to easily cast medium to large minnows, vibrations, metal jigs, and jig head worms, allowing the angler's control to be instantly transmitted to the lure at the far end.
SpinningMHRegular Fast29'5"Max 45gMax 2.5